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Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Impact of Verticut in Turfgrass Management

Every person managing turf understand the challenges of managing thatch requires. This layer of organic matter can build up quick, and it needs to be managed to promote healthy turf. For golf course managers it is even harder to manage because they have to be concerned with the members not liking surface disruption affecting playability.

Aerification is one of the must effective methods managing thatch, However thatch removal is not the primary practice. Aerification is beneficial to turf because lets air penetrate the root zone and also removes organic mater.

Even with the benefits of aerification, it can be the members worst enemy. This procedure requires the golfer to play against holes on the surface making aerification the golfers number one enemy.

There are other options for turf managers when it comes to thatch removal. Verticutting has similar benefits to turf in terms of thatch removal. A verticutter is an several of alignment knifes that penetrate the soil and harvest organic matter.

Verticutting is less disruptive as it is not a hole on the surface. This method is actually removing organic matter in a pattern with several directions and can be an effective practice. Another of the benefits of verticuting is that it promotes microbial activity leading to thatch breakdown. it will increase infiltration of water into the soil.

Effective organic matter removal is required. These are some procedures to control this bothersome problem for the turf managers. It is very important to know that verticutting does not substitute for aerification. The turf manager should be coscious of the steps required to achieve their goals. If the turf requires thatch control, do not hesitate to verticut. However keep in mind that aerification its still going to be required.

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